How To Earn Money From Mobile Apps?

As a general rule, the first step in developing a mobile marketing strategy is to create a mobile website. In a world dominated by the internet and smartphones, this is the bare minimum you can do for your company to establish an online presence. A mobile app, on the other hand, complements your website by allowing users to complete certain tasks more conveniently than they could on the website and by advancing marketing goals.

According to one study, the average adult American checks their phone every 12 minutes, and who knows, you could be reading this on your mobile right now. It is highly probable because mobile phone devices have become an integral part of our lives recently.  

Apps account for 90 percent of total mobile time spent. Amid this surge particularly in android mobile app development, the number of mobile app developers has also increased. This should be enough to entice anyone who owns or wishes to develop a mobile app.

In 2020, mobile apps generated $582 billion in revenue and while 2021 is approaching its end, mobile apps have already generated a revenue of $683 billion worldwide. Is it still necessary to discuss how much money you can make from an app? Maybe you might be unsure about the means to do so, right? The points shared below will answer your concerns;

Advertisements in-app

According to Statista, more than $223 million have been spent on mobile ads this year. Needless to say, mobile ads are the market’s driving force. You can advertise affiliate products inside your app using in-app ads, and you will be paid if users interact with those ads. The most common affiliate marketing campaigns are cost per click, cost per view, and cost per install.

Purchases made in-app

In-App Purchases (IAPs) are purchased directly from the free mobile apps. They are typically used to provide users with exclusive content or additional features. Simply put, they allow you to sell a variety of virtual items directly from the app. The best free gaming apps, such as Clash of Clans and PUBG, have improved their user experience by introducing in-app purchases (IAPs).

Upsell for Freemium

A freemium upsell model allows you to offer your app for free while also including paid or premium features. The freemium business model’s magic is that it will rapidly grow your business through advocacy. Users who have firsthand experience with the value of your app are more likely to enthusiastically spread the word about it.


Finding a sponsor is a real money-making monetization strategy. It works as follows:

  • After the process of android mobile app development, a large number of users, then find a sponsor company and offer them the opportunity to update and use your app to match their brand.
  • Sponsorship agreements can be of two types: either a revenue split with your sponsor or a monthly sponsorship fee.

However, finding a sponsor is a difficult task. Your mobile app developers must be Even though creative during an android mobile app development process to pique the interest of potential funders in the final product.


Although the paid subscription business model is the most commonly used app monetization strategy, subscription-based mobile apps such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Dropbox have grown in popularity in recent years. All of these are examples of android mobile app development.


When we say “crowdfunding for your app” we don’t necessarily mean that you have to look for money to finance android mobile app development for your business. You may require funds for a specific aspect of your android mobile app development or to test a specific feature of your app.

A Single Payment

Many users are unable to make use of the services of free mobile apps for a variety of reasons. They sometimes require more than what is provided for free. Again, for various reasons, users require additional services that only some paid apps can provide.

They are only likely to pay for companies in which they have faith. One way to demonstrate the value of their apps to users is to create a lite version of it and make it available for testing. If they believe your product is worthwhile, they will buy the premium app.

The Next Step

Since you have a list of options to earn money from mobile apps, you should get started on drafting a plan to create a mobile app for your own digital business. Remember, without the best design and development, your app will fail. 

If you are unsure about how to create an app and make money, you can hire us – Infini Sys, the best mobile app developer through creative with years of experience in android mobile app development to give you a competitive advantage. Our application development team ensures that the software is created in accordance with your company’s needs and goals.

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