Platforms To Code Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are a spotlight for all the brands in today’s era. In fact, the global revenue of mobile apps is expected to surge from 400,725 USD in 2021 to 613,433 USD in 2025. Believe it or not, your brand needs to cope with mobile apps or you can fall far behind your competitors. But do you need to be an expert mobile app developer to ace your game? Well, maybe yes or maybe not!

We know how hard you’re thinking about the coding that most of us don’t know. Well, technology has made mobile app development easier than ever, and this blog is contributing to the same cause. 

Let’s take you down the lane of cost-effective, agile, fluent, and easy low-code or no-code mobile apps platforms that you can use. And you do not necessarily have to be an expert mobile app developer


Backendless is a secure platform that empowers brands with user-friendly interfaces that allow the brands to build mobile apps with simple drag-and-drop techniques. It features visual development tools, analytics, API tracking, data imports and exports, external integrations, and a scalable database that saves you from repetitive coding. 

You can either choose codeless options or customize your apps with the help of developers. In the end, your users experience monotonous usage that lifts your brand perception and the overall market. 


If you are a startup or a small-scale e-commerce business, BiznessApps is a premium solution for you. The platform allows dynamic content options with product reviews, messages, shopping carts, loyalty cards, analytics, third-party integrations, push notifications, and whatnot. And since push notifications can boost an app’s engagement by 88 percent, you should avail this treat.

BiznessApps further helps you with tutorials, templates, and pre-built designs that you aren’t an expert to establish your e-commerce store on a big level. is an entirely cloud-based app that allows you to work from different locations and without installing additional software. It follows a drag-and-drop technique that automatically generates codes (in several languages) that you can integrate into external APIs. The platform has powerful plugins that you can either use as they are or customize as per your teams’ requirements.  

Moreover, using a single codebase, you can deploy your application on App Store, Google Play, Web app, and any device your audience uses. 

Mobile Roadie

Mobile Roadie is an integrated solution for several industries like entertainment, education, hospitality, retail, healthcare, sports, media, or any business setting. It features syncing of third-party accounts or any media type you want to import the files from. If you are a layman, you can begin building your mobile app using any format, HTML, CSV, PHP, JSON, XML, or customize accordingly. 

The platform allows push notifications, user engagement, and advanced analytical tracking that keep you updated with the smallest of bugs. 

Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator is another low-code mobile app development platform that crucially focuses on intelligent visual representation. You can connect your Zoho-built app with more than 600 secure connectors and empower your users with interactive portals. It further allows you to send instant emails, personalized messages, and push notifications to thousands of users. 

In short, Zoho Creator is an automated application builder that simplifies business workflows, data access, and other integrations for both iOS and Android systems. 


BuildFire is another simple coding platform that has an enormous pool of themes that you can choose from. It is one of the most common and affordable options that allow DIY (Do-It-Yourself) customization without any coding knowledge. It also features a prototype created with real-time visibility and compatibility testing. Whether you are aiming to build fitness, religious, event-based, content-related, e-commerce, or any app, BuildFire can help you start from scratch and yet will not disappoint. 

No-Code Platforms Turns You Into an Expert Mobile App Developer!

If you’re an entrepreneur, you have a lot of things on your plate and coding should not be one of them. Though your business growth depends on how well you reach out to your customers and we don’t want you to stay behind. You can spend more money to set up a team of mobile developers at your workplace, hire freelancers, or ask your existing team to use these no-code mobile app development platforms. Whichever option you choose, make sure the app is user-friendly and consumes less time. 

In case you miss out, we are here with our team of expert mobile app developers who can build your app as per your brand’s needs. Infinisys is a brand having years of experience and can customize even those designs that you always wanted to put on the plate but never did. Your brand has a long way to go, never stop! 

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