What Is Flutter App Development?

This year, mobile applications continued to grow in popularity. Fortunately, developers who want to create them have access to a plethora of programming tools. A surge in the programming tools has been well capitalized by app development service providers. Among these tools is Flutter, which has recently made a name for itself.

Google’s Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework that was released in May 2017. In a nutshell, it enables you to create a native mobile application with a single codebase. This means that you can create two distinct apps using a single programming language and codebase (for iOS and Android). 

Before we move forward, app development service providers have been keenly employing Flutter since its introduction in the market due to the advantages we will discuss in this blog.

Anyway, let’s talk about Flutter’s dynamics. Flutter is made up of two major components:

An SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of tools that will assist you in developing your applications. This includes compilers and tools for compiling your code into native machine code (code for iOS and Android).

A Framework (a widget-based UI library): A set of reusable UI elements (buttons, text inputs, sliders, and so on) that you can customize to meet your specific needs.

The programming language that is used to create Flutter applications in Dart. Google created the language in October 2011, but it has evolved significantly over the years among app development services.

Advantages of Flutter Development

As mentioned earlier, let’s discuss the advantages of Flutter that prove its popularity among app development service providers.

1. Ready-Made and Custom Widgets for Quick UI Development

We previously mentioned that Flutter makes use of ready-made widgets. You could even say that Flutter is a collection of widgets. One of the product’s revolutionary features is how it assists in the creation of a user interface by utilizing these building blocks. 

When compared to other approaches, Flutter has a consistent and unified object model, whereas other approaches use different objects (layouts, views, controllers).

In Flutter, any object, from a button to padding or font, is a widget. Widgets can be combined to form layouts, and you can use them at any level of customization – from existing building blocks to the most basic level when you create your own widgets using the same tools as the Flutter team.

Widgets in Flutter are organized in trees, which is convenient for rendering but may result in overcomplicating the overall structure. Large applications may require up to ten layers of code to create a basic object, so structure must be planned ahead of time. 

Since app development service providers have a dedicated team of developers for your project, so this hassle of creating large coding layers is not big of a deal and is easily executed, and the same is done more comprehensively at InfiniSys.

2. Excellent Documentation

It is critical for new technology to have adequate documentation. However, this is not always the case! You can learn a lot from Flutter’s documentation, which is very detailed and includes simple examples for basic use cases. 

If you ever think of getting app development services, especially from InfiniSys, then know that this approach is well-practiced there and your product gets much easier to use.

3. Use a Single Codebase for All Platforms

Gone are the days when you had to write code for Android and another for iOS devices. Because of Flutter’s code reusability, you can write a single codebase and use it not only for mobile Android and iOS, but also for web, desktop, and other applications. 

A single codebase significantly reduces development time, eliminates costs, and allows you to launch your app much faster. App development service providers never prefer to complicate let alone delay your project by using multiple codebases, and it’s just not necessary.

4. The “It’s All Widgets” Principle Opens Up a World of Possibilities

When it comes to creating great visuals for your app, Flutter’s custom widgets are an absolute delight. At the same time, you don’t have to be concerned about the user interface on different devices.

5. Vast Library Collections

Flutter makes use of the Skia Graphics Library, an open-source graphics library that is both fast and mature. Every time a view changes, the UI is redrawn. As a result, An app that loads quickly and runs smoothly.

6. Quick Testing With Hot Reloading

The hot reload feature speeds up app development. With Flutter, you don’t have to reload the app to see every change you make to the code. You can easily make changes to your app in real-time, giving you more opportunities to experiment with code and fix bugs on the fly. ‍

Now, this is one of the core values at InfiniSys – bringing convenience to the customers and our developers do that by using Flutter too.

What Are Your Next Steps in Flutter App Development?

Since the commencement of InfiniSys’ operations, we have created a number of apps in Flutter. Using Flutter, we have created excellent apps. Despite the fact that the technology has only been around for a short time, we are skilled practitioners!

Contact InfiniSys for a free consultation if you’d like to discuss the possibility and benefits of using Flutter app development services for your project.


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